Actions by Agency
Secretary of State
There were no motions by either party, meaning there were no changes to the Secretary of State’s budget beyond the actions taken in the first executive session.
Board on Aging and Long-Term Care
Democrats moved a provision that would provide $189,200 in 2023-24 and $242,300 in 2024-25 and 3.0 positions to support long-term care that failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved a provision that would provide $78,700 in 2023-24 and $101,800 in 2024-25, along with 1.0 positions for a long-term care ombudsman that passed 12-4 along party lines.
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board
Democrats moved a provision from the Governor’s budget of $4,150,000 GPR to support family resource centers that failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved Motion #34 that would provide $500,000 GPR annually to family resource centers and $500,000 GPR annually for programs for preventing child abuse and neglect that passed 12-4 along party lines.
Board of Commissioners of Public Lands
Democrats moved omnibus Motion #33, which contained provisions from the Governor’s budget to fully fund existing positions and increase the salary for 1.8 vacant positions, $65,000 GPR for supplies and services, and fund 1.0 forester position. Failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved omnibus Motion #37, which would provide $11,700 GPR to fully fund all filled positions, delete 1.8 vacant positions and $148,400 salary allotment, add $65,500 GPR for supplies and services, provide $5,000 GPR in 2023-24 and $10,000 GPR in 2024-25 to BCPL’s aids in lieu of property taxes, and add a forester position. Passed 12-4 along party lines.
Democrats moved omnibus Motion #28 which contained provisions to bring transparency and accountability for the hiring of investigators by the legislature for any purpose that failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved omnibus Motion #35 which would authorize 5.0 positions for LHRO. The motion also included proposed changes to LHRO records. This motion passed 12-4 along party lines.
Employment Relations Commission
Democrats and Republicans supported a provision to provide $39,000 of general operations funding that passed unanimously 16-0.
Ethics Commission
Republicans moved Motion #36 to provide $491,000 in GPR and $220,000 in PR over the biennium to update the commission’s campaign finance information website. Democrats supported this motion and it passed unanimously 16-0.
Financial Institutions
Democrats moved Motion #39 which would have provided DFI with $3,393,100 for department operations and $1,115,900 in one time funding for software projects and additional funding for other DFI systems modernization. The motion failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved Motion #30 to provide $1,000,000 for funding department operations and $724,500 in one time funding for software projects. Additional dollars were included for other DFI systems modernization. That motion passed 12-4 along party lines.
State Treasurer
Democrats moved alternative 1 which would have provided the state treasurer’s office $121,800 over the biennium and 1.0 PR position. The motion failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans took no action.
Educational Communications Board
Republicans and Democrats moved a back page item that was approved unanimously 16-0.
Republicans moved Motion #38 to delete 2.68 program revenue positions vacant for 24 months or more that passed 12-4 along party lines.
Historical Society
Democrats moved an omnibus Motion #31, mirroring the Governor’s budget, which failed 4-12 along party lines.
Republicans moved Motion #32 that would provide one-time funding to the Historical Society and deleted 1.4 vacant program revenue positions, among other provisions. This motion passed 12-4.
Medical College of Wisconsin
Republicans moved Motion #40 that would provide $3.5 million dollars annually to MCW’s psychiatry and behavioral health residency program and require MCW to report certain information related to the Legislature. Democrats joined Republicans in this motion and it passed unanimously 16-0.