June 10, 2024


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                                                        Senator Robert Cowles – (608) 266-0484


Legislative Audit Bureau Earns New Recognition


MADISON – Senator Robert Cowles released the following statement after Wisconsin’s nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) was named the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Evaluation Award from the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society, a professional staff association connected with the National Conference of State Legislatures:

“The Legislative Audit Bureau, under the leadership of State Auditor Joe Chrisman and his competent staff, are highly valued public servants who consistently exceed expectations in assisting in the oversight of the state’s finances. As both a former Senate Co-Chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee and in my daily work as a State Senator, I have never felt anything less than total confidence in the vital work these auditors do. Time and time again, they have shown their value in rooting out waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement across agencies. Their work has led to countless recommendations being implemented through agency practice, administrative rules, and new statutes, creating a more accountable and transparent state government for taxpayers.

The State of Wisconsin’s fiscal health, and the wallets of its taxpayers, are much healthier thanks to the LAB’s work. With this Excellence in Evaluation Award under its belt – along with many other previous recognitions from nationally-renowned organizations – our state can rest easy knowing that the best of the best are working for Wisconsin.”
