The Wisconsin Elections Project provides information on election laws, campaign finance, election results and analysis, lobbying, and redistricting. LRB analysts and attorneys compile and research information relating to candidates for legislative and statewide offices in primary and general elections, state and local redistricting, legislative action on campaign and elections bills, historical data on Wisconsin elections, and other resources for understanding Wisconsin campaigns and elections. The Wisconsin Elections Project serves as a clearinghouse for information on state agency actions and federal and state court decisions, as well as a tracking system for state and national legislation affecting Wisconsin campaigns and elections.
Core elections project services
- Compile information on assembly and senate districts
- Gather current and historical elections data
- Research elections and campaign finance issues affecting legislators
- Assist legislative offices and the Legislative Technology Services Bureau on redistricting issues
- Prepare legal analysis of federal and state court decisions on elections and campaign finance issues
- Research proposed legislation on elections, campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics policies
Laura Felone Day, analyst
Michael Gallagher, assistant chief counsel
Joseph Kreye, on leave
Richard Loeza, senior analyst