Other postemployment benefits (OPEB) refer to the benefits, other than pensions, that a state or local government employee may receive after they have left employment, generally upon retirement. An OPEB plan can include medical, prescription drug, dental, vision, and other health-related benefits. The five OPEB plans administered by ETF are the State Retiree Life Insurance program, the Local Retiree Life Insurance program, the Supplemental Health Insurance Conversion Credit (SHICC) program, the State Retiree Health Insurance program, and the Local Retiree Health Insurance program.
The State Retiree Life Insurance and Local Retiree Life Insurance programs provide postemployment life insurance coverage to all eligible employees of participating employers. As of December 31, 2023, the fiduciary net position of the State Retiree Life Insurance program was $287.8 million and the fiduciary net position of the Local Retiree Life Insurance program was $235.9 million.
As of December 31, 2023, the net OPEB liability for each of these programs was:
- $797.1 million for the State Retiree Life Insurance program; and
- $460.1 million for the Local Retiree Life Insurance program.
The SHICC program provides certain eligible employees additional sick leave hours at the time of termination that increases the balance available to pay for health insurance premiums.
The SHICC fiduciary net position increased from $1.1 billion as of December 31, 2022, to $1.2 billion as of December 31, 2023, or by 7.5 percent. This increase is primarily attributable to an increase in the value of investments. As of December 31, 2023, the net OPEB asset of the SHICC program was $62.7 million.
The State Retiree Health Insurance program and the Local Retiree Health Insurance program do not accumulate assets dedicated to providing benefits to plan members. The OPEB liabilities for these programs are not calculated by ETF for purposes of financial reporting.