On January 6th, 2025 I took my oath of office, ushering in the new legislative session. As I introduce legislation and get bills signed by the Governor, I will update this page.
Rep. Ron Tusler's Legislative Accomplishments
In 2016, the people of the 3rd Assembly District elected me to represent their needs in Madison. Since then, I've tirelessly worked for the people of the 3rd District, fighting for them every step of the way. During my time in the Assembly, I have gotten 36 bills signed into law by both Republican and Democratic governors and only 1 veto.
Below are a list of the bills I introduced and authored that were signed into law, including my one bill that was vetoed by Governor Evers. If you want to know more about a particular bill or Act (Law), including its yay/nay vote count, the testimony for/against, and its progress through the legislature, click here and type in the Act or Bill number into the "Law and Legislation" box on the Wisconsin Legislative Website.
This session, I got 12 bills signed by the Governor, the most out of anyone in the Assembly!
Judicial Security Package
Threats against Judges and their families have risen in recent years. In 2022, a retired Juneau County Circuit Court Judge, John Roemer was zip-tied to a chair and executed in his home. Police said a man who was sentenced by Judge Roemer years prior killed Judge Roemer out of revenge. Judges should never fear for their safety simply because they were doing the job the people elected them to do.
The Governor recently signed three of my bills designed to protect the safety of Judges (AB 965, 966, 967). See below:
Assembly Bill 965 – Signed by Governor – Act 234
Picketing & Parading in front of Judge's Home – Prohibits picketing or parading at the residence of a judge with the intent to interfere with, obstruct, or impede the administration of justice or influence any judge
Assembly Bill 966 – Signed by Governor – Act 235
Privacy Protections for Judges - This law establishes privacy protections for judicial officers and a procedure for a judicial officer to submit to governmental and private entities a written request to keep certain personal information relating to a judicial officer and the judicial officer’s immediate family out of public view or access.
Assembly Bill 967 – Signed by Governor – Act 236
Withholding Judicial Security Profiles – Prohibits Open Records Requests for sensitive judicial Security profiles which contain information on a judge’s home in case of emergency
Other Bills:
Assembly Bill 882 – Signed by Governor – Act 218
Allowing Tactical Emergency Medical Services to Carry Firearm - allowing a tactical emergency medical services professional to carry a firearm in prohibited areas.
Assembly Bill 425 – Signed by Governor – Act 113
State Parks Pass Reform – State Parks Passes are now good for an entire year from the date-of-purchase instead of just a calendar year
Assembly Bill 505 – Signed by Governor – Act 133
Robbery of Financial Institution – Closes loophole that would allow a would-be criminal rob a bank without being charged
Senate Bill 592 – Signed by Governor – Act 182
Wheel Chair Repair Act - Specifies that the Department of Health Services (DHS) must apply a reimbursement rate under the Medical Assistance (MA) program for complex rehabilitation technology (CRT) wheelchair repair and accessories that is equal to the maximum fee paid in Wisconsin under the federal Medicare program.
Senate Bill 759 – Signed by Governor – Act 127
Trust Code Trailer Bill – Cleans up current Trust statues and modernizes them
Senate Bill 898 – Signed by Governor – Act 130
Electronic & Remote Witnessing Reform – Allows for electronic and remote witnessing for notarization of estate planning documents
Senate Bill 450 – Signed by Governor – Act 246
Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act - Adopting modifications to, and renaming, the Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act
Senate Bill 207 – Signed by Governor – Act 50
Eligibility for local Wildlife Control Grants – Changes definition of “urban” to include densely populated areas like Kimberly so they can qualify for DNR grants to control nuisance wildlife.
Senate Bill 29 – Signed by Governor – Act 245
Uniform Unsworn Declarations Act - The law modifies current law by removing the requirement that a declarant be outside of the jurisdiction of the United States to make an unsworn declaration.
Assembly Bill 834 – VETOED by Governor
No-Knock Search Warrants - Prohibits cities from banning the use of No-Knock Warrants by Law Enforcement
Assembly Bill 723 – Signed by Governor – Act 205
De Novo Review Reforms - Procedures for de novo review in actions affecting the family.
Assembly Bill 722 – Signed by Governor – Act 204
Stipulated Order Reforms - Stipulated orders before judgment in actions for divorce, annulment, or legal separation.
Senate Bill 566 – Signed by Governor – Act 258
ULC Omnibus Business Bill - Modernizes business statues, bringing Wisconsin in line with the Revised Uniform LLP Act and the Revised Uniform LLC Act
Assembly Bill 190 – Signed by Governor – Act 82
Reforms to Law Enforcement Standards Board - Responsibilities of the Law Enforcement Standards Board, modernizing it, giving them more power over disciplinary action against officers who violate policy. It also discloses possible violations and complaints to police departments recruiting around the state.
Assembly Bill 154 – Signed by Governor – Act 31
Hmong-Lao Veterans Day - Created Hmong-Lao Veterans Day
Senate Bill 85 – Signed by Governor – Act 28
Cyberstalking Protection Act - Updates Wisconsin’s stalking statues to explicitly clarify and ensure protection for victims of electronic stalking
Senate Bill 14 – Signed by Governor – Act 63
Marriage Officiant - Letting out-of-state judges and justices officiate weddings
Senate Bill 68 – Signed by Governor – Act 16
Closes the Child Pornography Loophole - Defines “lewd exhibition of intimate parts” to include child erotica as child pornography
Assembly Bill 58 – Signed by Governor – Act 29
Notice of Claim - Changes the requirement for service of notice of claim for lawsuits against the State
Assembly Bill 59 – Signed by Governor – Act 30
E-Service Reform Act - Grants service of certain pleadings and other papers by electronic mail
Senate Bill 320 – Signed by Governor – Act 53
Salvage Title Reform Act - Establishes a process and a reasonable set of criteria for an insurer to follow to prove ownership of a totaled vehicle, if a policyholder fails to transfer the title within 30 days of receiving notice
Senate Bill 169 – Signed by Governor – Act 59
Incentivizing Wetland Mitigation - Incentivizes the creation of wetlands needed areas, as well as, requires mitigation to occur as close as possible to the location of a discharge
Senate Bill 70 – Signed by Governor – Act 111
Closes the Jailhouse Contraband Loophole - Updates definition of contraband and closes the loophole that criminals exploit to bring unwanted contraband into a Jail or prison without penalty or prosecution
Assembly Bill 470 – Signed by Governor – Act 184
Justice System Support Initiative - Adds 12 circuit court branches to be allocated by director of state courts. Calumet County received a 2nd Judge
Assembly Bill 451 – Signed by Governor – Act 181
Uniform Recognition and Enforcement of Canadian Domestic Violence Protection Orders Act - Wisconsin will honor restraining orders granted in Canada
Assembly Bill 547 – Signed by Governor – Act 183
Wetland Mitigation Grant Program - Wetland mitigation credits must be purchased from a mitigation bank close to the filled wetland
Senate Bill 421 – Signed by Governor – Act 71
Parks Revitalization Act - Provides $4.5 million to State Parks critical to health and safety related water infrastructure projects
Assembly Bill 581 – Signed by Governor – Act 302
Change of Venue requirements for Domestic Abuse, Child Abuse, and Harassment Cases - If a defendant works within the county circuit court, the victim can seek a restraining order in another county
Senate Bill 339 – Signed by Governor – Act 199
Probation Revocation Huber Act - While awaiting a probation revocation hearing, an inmate can apply for Huber release to save their job.
Assembly Bill 518 – Signed by Governor – Act 303
Condominium Fees and Consumer Protections Act - Requires condominium associations to cooperate with the sale of assets and limits the fees they can require
Assembly Bill 668 – Signed by Governor – Act 301
State Park Bike Lights Act - Front and back lights are necessary when operating a bicycle in a state park
Assembly Bill 667 – Signed by Governor – Act 200
Wisconsin Uniform Law Commission Membership - If there is no qualifying legislature to fill a seat, the appointing body can appoint someone from outside the legislature
Assembly Bill 153 – Signed by Governor – Act 120
Recount Reform Act - A losing candidate can only demand a recount if the candidate is within 1% of the winning candidate