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2024 Excellence in Evaluation Award

The Legislative Audit Bureau is the recipient of the 2024 Excellence in Evaluation Award from the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society (NLPES).

NLPES is one of nine professional staff associations connected with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). NLPES includes employees of state legislative agencies engaged in program evaluation or performance auditing. The purpose of NLPES is to advance the profession of nonpartisan legislative program evaluation and performance auditing and to provide staff with relevant training, opportunities for exchanging ideas and information, and recognition for superior performance.

The 2024 Excellence in Evaluation Award is presented to the audit organization determined to have made significant contributions to the field of legislative program evaluation and performance auditing during the four-year period beginning January 1, 2020, and ending December 31, 2023. The award is presented to only one recipient each year.

To earn this recognition, the Legislative Audit Bureau successfully demonstrated achievements in three specific areas: the significance of the performance evaluation work performed and how it has positively affected state operations and policies; the body of performance evaluation work performed and how it was produced; and the contributions made to further advance the field.

2024 Notable Documents Award

The Legislative Audit Bureau was selected by the Legislative Research Librarians Professional Staff Association of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) as a recipient of a 2024 Notable Documents Award. The Award, which was presented to the Bureau at the 2024 Legislative Summit in August 2024, was granted in the category of Labor and Employment for the Bureau’s publication of:

Typically, publications are nominated for Notable Document Awards by a state’s legislative librarian. In 2024, Wisconsin was one of 9 states with reports chosen for recognition by a nationwide committee of librarians that evaluates each document on specific criteria, including relevance, organization, clarity, effective use of graphics, innovation, balance, and expansion of the base of knowledge on a particular subject. The Committee commended the Bureau’s publications as “innovative in providing substantive information on contemporary issues of interest to legislatures.” The following statement was made about the Bureau’s publications at the award ceremony:

“This report focuses on the effects of telework on the future office space needs of the state. The print and online versions of this publication are well-designed and exceptionally clear in graphical presentation and descriptive detail. The content and structure of the report are easy to navigate and provide a concise summary of methodology, accessible aggregate data, and in-depth appendices.”

The Bureau’s two reports were among only 13 reports selected from 38 nominated nationwide for a Notable Documents Award in 2024.

Impact Awards

The Legislative Audit Bureau participates actively in organizations such as the National State Auditors Association (NSAA) and the National Legislative Program Evaluation Society (NLPES), which is a staff section of the National Conference of State Legislatures. The performance evaluation work of the Bureau receives frequent national attention through Certificate of Impact awards, which are presented by NLPES in recognition of audit results such as:

  • dollar savings resulting from implementation of audit recommendations;
  • program improvements resulting from implementation of audit recommendations; and
  • changes in statutes or funding based on audit findings and recommendations.

Since 2000, the Bureau has received a Certificate of Impact for the following audit reports: 

Impact Awards
2024 Community Corrections Program (Report 23-5)
2023 Certain Broadband Expansion Grant Programs (Report 22-11)
2022 Elections Administration (Report 21-19)
2021 Unemployment Insurance Call Centers (Report 20-13)
2020 Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (Report 19-6)
2019 Electronics and Information Technology Manufacturing Zone Program (Report 18-18)
2018 State Highway Program (Report 17-2)
2017 Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (Report 15-3)
2016 Government Accountability Board (Report 14-14)
2015 Supervised Release Placements and Expenditures (Report 13-12)
2014 Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (Report 13-7)
2013 FoodShare Wisconsin (Report 12-8)
2011 Child Care Regulation (Report 09-15)
2010 Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program (letter report)
2009 Information Technology Projects (Report 07-5)
2008 State Economic Development Programs (Report 06-9)
2007 Milwaukee County Child Welfare: Program Issues (Report 06-1)
2006 Voter Registration (Report 05-12)
2004 Major Highway Program (Report 03-13)
2003 Milwaukee County (Report 02-16)
2000 Division of Intercollegiate Athletics—University of Wisconsin-Madison (Report 99-18)