Tax Cuts Help Wisconsinites
Rep Allen voted in favor of AB 386 and AJR 66 that would help lower taxes and keep them lower in order to help the average Wisconsinite.
12 Sep 2023
Fentanyl Legislation Signed by Governor
Rep Allen was present in support of Governor Evers’ decision to sign SB 101 into law, a law that increases the penalty for causing the death of another person via the distribution, manufacture, or delivery of an illicit drug.
07 Aug 2023
Rep. Allen Releases Absentee Ballot Integrity Bill
13 Jul 2023
More Taxes, More Problems
Rep. Allen responds to Governor Evers use of the veto pen to slash tax cuts and increase spending.
06 Jul 2023
Rep. Allen Votes "Yes" on State Budget
29 Jun 2023
Rep. Allen Votes for AB 321: Right to Read
This bill shifts Wisconsin to a science-based method of teaching reading, which has seen significant success in other states who have made this change. AB 321 is a step in the right direction for the future of reading in Wisconsin.
21 Jun 2023
Rep. Allen Votes for Alcohol Regulatory Reform
Today, Representative Allen voted to pass AB 304 which creates a modern regulatory framework for alcohol regulation that creates clarity for this industry.
Coffee with Scott - June 26th
On June 26th, from 5:30-6:30pm, Rep. Allen will be hosting a "Coffee with Scott" event to allow constituents to engage with him directly on matters of state government.
19 Jun 2023
Rep. Allen Votes "Yes" on Shared Revenue & Education Funding
My ‘yes’ vote on the shared revenue bill is about honoring the spirit of compromise. We also passed SB 330, relating to education funding. This bill helps ensure that every Wisconsin student can benefit from the funding that they need to attend the school of their choice.
15 Jun 2023
Fentanyl Bill Passes the Legislature
Today, the Assembly passed SB 101, a bill addressing the penalties for causing death through distribution of controlled substances, such as fentanyl. It now heads to the Governor's desk.
07 Jun 2023