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Rep. Gundrum's tribute to his friend and County Board Supervisor Roger Kist.

Statement on the passing of Washington County Board Member Roger Kist

For Immediate Release                                                                                   

January 21, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                              

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI - Representative Rick Gundrum (R- Slinger) issued the following statement on the passing of his former colleague on the Washington County Board of Supervisors Roger Kist:

 “I am saddened to learn of the passing of my friend, Roger Kist. It was an absolute pleasure to get to know Roger during our time together on the Washington County Board of Supervisors. Roger’s commitment and dedication to Washington County is a shining example of community service. It was an honor to have his support during our time on the County Board and to have his support continue as I transitioned into my role as a State Representative. I send my thoughts and prayers to his wife, Denise, and their children. We will miss him and his love of Washington County.”
