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Two bills authored by Rep. Gundrum on Critical Race Theory and a Parents Bill of Rights pass the Assembly.

Standing Up for Parents and Students

For Immediate Release                                                                                       

February 23, 2022

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                   

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Two bills authored by Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) were passed during an Assembly floor session on Tuesday. One of the two bills was Assembly Bill 413, which addresses divisive political concepts in Wisconsin’s institutions of higher education. The other bill was Assembly Bill 963, which will create a Parents Bill of Rights. After passage of both bills, Representative Gundrum issued the following statement today:

 “I am happy the State Assembly passed two bills that I worked on during this legislative session. Both of these bills will benefit Wisconsin and ensure we have a quality education system.

“I authored Assembly Bill 413 when I heard of the erroneous political indoctrination taught in Wisconsin’s universities and technical colleges. While it is important for our academic institutions to teach the facts, that does not mean students should be forced to affirm or adopt to divisive political concepts in their personal capacities as individuals.

“The bill also adds transparency to our academic institutions by allowing students to review the course syllabuses during the open enrollment period when they select classes. Simultaneously, it will not infringe on the valuable academic freedom that is required for college professors to conduct effective research and lectures.

“It is saddening that many parents believe their voices are not being heard at school board meetings and other events. That’s why I authored Assembly Bill 963 to create a Parents Bill of Rights. Parents should have a seat at the table when it comes to the education of their children. Parents know best when it comes to raising their children and if their rights are being violated then this bill will provide a pathway for a parent to bring forward a suit against a governmental body and receive appropriate relief if successful.

“I hope Governor Evers does the right thing and signs these bills into law so that we can have a strong education system that guarantees parental involvement.”
