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Legislation will remove Wisconsin's participation in federal enhanced unemployment benefits.

Rep. Gundrum Votes for a Strong Workforce Recovery

For Immediate Release                                                                                                

June 9, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                    

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) voted for legislation today that will encourage unemployed people to get back to work. After passage of the bill, he released the following statement:  

“Wisconsin’s economy is open again and it is time for a return to normalcy. Unfortunately, many businesses are having trouble finding workers to meet increased demand for goods and services. Assembly Bill 336 helps to resolve the workforce shortage issue by ending Wisconsin’s participation in federal unemployment compensation enhancement programs.

“The federal government’s supplement provides an additional $300 per week in four unemployment compensation programs. Currently 25 other states have opted out of the federal enhancers, which are set to expire on September 6, 2021.

“The bill will also ensure individuals who file for unemployment benefits and are searching for a job are eligible to collect benefits. That requirement was waived last year by Governor Tony Evers through an emergency order.

“Our businesses are competing with the government to attract workers. Many of them have increased wages and may even be offering sign-on bonuses. While there was a time that these enhanced unemployment benefits were necessary, the reality is they are no longer needed. It’s time to get people back to work and return our unemployment compensation program to operations before the COVID-19 pandemic.”
