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Rep. Gundrum votes for legislation to protect the rights of the unborn.

Rep. Gundrum Reinforces Strong Pro-Life Principles

For Immediate Release                                                                                        

October 27, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                    

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) joined his Assembly Republican colleagues in demonstrating their unwavering commitment to protecting life by voting for a pro-life legislative package today. After passage of the bills, he released the following statement:

 “I am proud to support the pro-life bills that came to the floor today. Being pro-life is one of my strongest personal principles and is one of the defining reasons I chose to pursue public office. For too long, pro-life legislators have been accused of not presenting a holistic approach to these complex policy issues. Our pro-life legislative package educates parents, prohibits discrimination, and provides immediate medical care.

“One of the bills I voted for was Assembly Bill 6, also known as the Born Alive Act. It requires any provider present at the time of a failed abortion to exercise the same level of professional care to the surviving child as they would to any other child delivered. Every baby is entitled to emergency medical care regardless of their path to birth.

“We also voted for Assembly Bill 539, which will prohibit discrimination in organ transplantation on the basis of a disability. Organ transplants save lives and we should not discriminate against people with mental or physical disabilities.

“Another one of the bills I voted for was the Shield the Vulnerable Act (Assembly Bill 595). This bill bans abortions from being performed solely due to the race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or diagnosis of a congenital disability of the unborn child. Deciding who deserves life based on these characteristics is discriminatory and needs to be prevented.

 “I hope Governor Evers commits to dismantling discrimination at its earliest stages and signs our bills into law. I am proud to build upon the pro-life bills that have been passed in the Assembly over the past decade.”
