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Rep. Gundrum shares his thoughts on the 2020 State of the State address given by Gov. Evers.

Rep. Gundrum Reacts to 2020 State of the State Address

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     

January 22, 2020

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                       

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Rep. Rick Gundrum (R – Slinger) shared his thoughts following the conclusion of Governor Evers’ second State of the State Address earlier this evening:

After one year of divided government, I am encouraged to know that those of us in the Assembly can still take steps forward to help the people of Wisconsin. So far this session, we in the legislature have addressed priorities such as roads, healthcare, education, broadband, and worker training programs all without raising taxes or expanding welfare.

Some other items where we found bipartisanship were prioritizing the safety of our schools and communities, protections for our drinking water, and suicide prevention. It takes more effort to identify areas of agreement, which is ok. But what’s not ok with me and the residents of the 58th Assembly District, is letting Madison bureaucrats steamroll the rest of the state. It is unfortunate that some of the strides WI made have started to slip as evidenced by the most recent unemployment statistics when compared to national averages and neighboring states.

As I travel across the district and meet with parents, nurses, business owners, and law enforcement officers, I hear the same sentiment over and over. “Thank you for holding the line on taxes, not expanding welfare, and not allowing our state to be hijacked by the far left tax and spend liberals in Madison.”

For the remainder of this session I will be voting for legislation that promotes public safety, education, healthcare, and responsible government. As always, I will continue to keep the priorities of the 58th Assembly District at the forefront of my work in the Capitol.”