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Rep. Gundrum's thoughts on the extension of the mask mandate.

Rep. Gundrum Opposes Mask Mandate Extension

For Immediate Release                                                                                   

September 22, 2020

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                       

(608) 264-8486

Slinger, WI – State Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) has released the following statement concerning the declaration of another public health emergency and an extension of the statewide mask mandate by Governor Tony Evers:

“Once again Governor Evers is authorizing unnecessary emergency orders and mask mandates without any input from the state legislature. Our government is designed with three branches, not one. The governor should have considered the thoughts of legislators and their constituents before acting unilaterally.

Ironically, the governor proves in his own executive order that the mask mandate has been ineffective. He points out that COVID-19 cases have continued to rise despite his order.

I call on all of my legislative colleagues to stand against this blatant and illegal power grab from Governor Evers. We should not pursue a statewide approach on the masks, but instead rely on local government, businesses, and individuals to decide what is best. I continue to oppose the mask mandate.
