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Rep. Gundrum reacts to rioting in Madison.

Rep. Gundrum Demands Governor Evers Uphold His Oath to Serve and Protect the People of Wisconsin

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           

June 24, 2020

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                       

(608) 264-8486

Slinger, WI - Following the violence and widespread destruction in downtown Madison late Tuesday night and into early Wednesday morning, State Assembly Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) released the following statement:

"Last night, protestors in Madison vandalized the Capitol Building shattering several state office windows, destroying two iconic historical statues on the grounds, defacing Capitol property, and worst of all assaulting a sixty year-old senator.

“On the west side of the Capitol, the bronze replica of the “Forward” statue, which for years has symbolized the spirit of our state, was torn down. To the east side of the Capitol Square, the statue of Union Colonel Hans Christian Heg was decapitated and the body thrown into Lake Monona by vandals. Col. Heg was a Norwegian immigrant whose family settled in the Muskego area in 1840. He is known for his courageous service during the Civil War fighting against the Confederate Army. He was killed on the battlefield in 1863 as he fought to abolish slavery.

“A state senator was beaten and hospitalized last night simply for taking a picture of the destruction. The First Amendment does not give license to attack others or destroy public property. Peaceful protests have evolved into a cover for anarchists and criminals to commit crimes without consequence. THIS MUST STOP! It was reported after the Madison Police Department received a call warning of the violence in the early evening yesterday, officers were told not only to “stand down” but to “avoid the area” being invaded by the protestors.

“Earlier this month, I signed on to a letter calling Governor Tony Evers to use the authority granted to him as the Chief Executive of the state to protect the State Capitol, capitol staff, elected officials, and the residents of Madison and the state. His refusal to do so has given the green light to criminals to assault, vandalize, and destroy. Governor Evers’ failure to protect the residents and the building where the people’s business is done is unacceptable.

“Today, I joined legislative colleagues again petitioning the Governor to uphold his oath to protect our state by authorizing adequate protection to State assets.
