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Rep. Gundrum votes to overturn the governor's emergency order.

Rep. Gundrum Defends Constitutional Government

For Immediate Release                                                                                         

February 4, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                    

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI - Representative Rick Gundrum (R- Slinger) has issued the following statement after voting to overturn the latest emergency order from Governor Tony Evers:

 “If you allow the government to break the law for an emergency, then the government will always create an emergency to break the law. Today I voted for a resolution to end the unconstitutional emergency order authorized by Governor Evers. I proudly co-authored the resolution because it is imperative to uphold the rule of law. Even in difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to preserve our Constitution and maintain the separation of powers between the three branches of government.

“Governor Evers is not a king or a dictator. He does not have the authority to continuously declare emergency orders without the approval of the State Legislature. This debate is not about the effectiveness of masks. I wear masks, individuals can still choose to wear masks, and businesses can continue to require masks without a statewide mandate. The debate is about constitutional government and the role of the executive branch. Allowing Governor Evers to constantly circumnavigate the Legislature in an illegal manner sets a dangerous precedent.

“I will continue to work for my constituents so that they get necessary relief. The Assembly passed legislation that improves the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, supports unemployed Wisconsinites, gives businesses liability protections, and gives more resources to hospitals. I also voted for an amendment that ensures $50 million a month in federal food assistance. I hope the Governor is willing to work with us rather than engage in power grabs.”
