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2021 Inauguration Day Remarks

Rep. Gundrum Begins New Term in Office

For Immediate Release                                                                                           
January 4, 2021
Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum 
(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) began his second full term of service in the Wisconsin State Legislature today. Upon taking the oath of office in the Assembly Chambers earlier this afternoon during the inaugural ceremony at the State Capitol, Rep. Gundrum released the following statement:

“It is an honor to continue to represent and advocate for the constituents of the 58th Assembly District. 2020 brought unprecedented challenges; we need to hit the ground running this session. I have been busy the last many months researching and identifying policy and legislative solutions.

“My number one priority is addressing the sloppy, mismanaged, and shady election activities witnessed in November. Multitudes of Wisconsinites have lost faith in our election system, and I am drafting legislation to strengthen the integrity of the ballot box. We must have safe, reliable, and honest elections.

“Another top priority is ensuring that we continue to adequately care for our seniors. Nursing homes, assisted living facilities, staff, and residents have been hit hard during the pandemic. And many residents continue to be isolated from their families. We need to identify safe ways to ensure that the mental health of seniors doesn’t deteriorate at the expense of physical separation.

“We need to safely reopen our classrooms. Teachers are essential. Students have been falling behind and struggling with their courses. Resuming in-person is a vital component of learning that can happen without jeopardizing the safety of students and teachers.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues to pass sustainable common sense solutions that will move us forward.”
