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Rep. Gundrum votes for legislation to address Wisconsin's housing shortage.

It’s Time to Provide More Workforce Housing

For Immediate Release                                                                                        

October 27, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                    

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) voted for a legislative package yesterday that will address the growing housing shortage in Wisconsin. Today he released the following statement:

“Many people know that Wisconsin is struggling through a workforce housing shortage. The shortage has exacerbated due to rising construction costshigher rentsexcessive government regulations, and the inability to keep up with surging demand. A report published in 2019 by the Wisconsin Realtors Association revealed just that. In Washington County, the median income household can just barely afford a median priced-home. The same is true with those households who typically choose rental homes.

“I joined my Republican colleagues in the State Legislature by voting for several bills to improve the housing situation. I voted for Assembly Bill 156 to encourage the construction of new housing complexes. The bill creates a Workforce Housing Tax Credit to incentivize the construction of workforce housing.

“I also voted for Assembly Bill 606, which will create a sales and use tax exemption for materials used solely to construct certain housing developments or housing rehabilitation projects. This tax exemption can only be used to house individuals whose income does not exceed 120% of their county’s median household income.

“We also passed Assembly Bill 608 to cut outdated and burdensome regulations that have hamstrung housing affordability in Wisconsin. Rising regulatory costs add an average of $93,870 to the final price of a home. That’s an increase on the final price by 23.8%.

“These bills will create more housing options for our labor force to live in Wisconsin. I hope Governor Evers makes the right decision and signs the Republican housing package into law.”
