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Rep. Gundrum voted for a package of legislation that focuses on education.

Ending Political Indoctrination and Introducing Transparency in Schools

For Immediate Release                                                                                    

September 29, 2021

Contact: Rep. Rick Gundrum                                                                                    

(608) 264-8486

Madison, WI – Representative Rick Gundrum (R-Slinger) voted for a package of education bills during Tuesday’s floor session. This morning he has released the following statement:

“I’ve increasingly heard from my constituents about political indoctrination going on in our school districts, such as critical race theory. I voted for Assembly Bill 411 and Assembly Bill 414 to prevent divisive political concepts in our schools and in government training. Specifically, they prevent instruction from including stereotyping based on sex or gender. A student or government employee should never be told they are inherently racist or sexist by virtue of their own race or sex. These two bills give parents, students and government employees a voice by allowing them to bring forward a claim against a school or government agency. If the prohibitions on race and sex stereotyping are not followed, then a school or agency will lose 10 percent of state funding.

“Rather than inject political ideology to skew curriculum, we need to get back to basics. That’s why I voted for Assembly Bill 563 to require that a model curriculum is developed on civics education. The purpose of this civics education bill is to ensure Wisconsin’s youth will become knowledgeable citizens on participating in government, understanding founding documents like the U.S. Constitution and engaging in their responsibilities as citizens. It also requires that students gain a knowledge of governing philosophies like communism, socialism, and totalitarianism; and how they compare with the founding principles of the United States.

“When it comes to a quality education system, it is important that parents know what’s being taught to their children in schools. I voted for Assembly Bill 488 to require that teaching materials such as syllabi, outlines and handouts be publicly listed on a school district’s website. I hope Governor Evers signs these bills that will benefit Wisconsin’s education system.”
