Important Notice: In compliance with Wisconsin ethics laws, my weekly e-newsletter is paused during the 2024 election season.
Proudly Representing the 34th Assembly District
Welcome to My Website
It is an honor to represent the 34th Assembly District. I believe that the Northwoods is a beautiful destination to live, work, raise a family, and vacation.
Serving the residents of northern Wisconsin continues to be a gratifying and humbling experience. During my time serving you, I have worked to lower taxes, promote tourism, and raise awareness for struggling rural schools around the state.
I currently serve as the Chairman of the Assembly State Affairs Committee. I am also a member of the Wisconsin State Building Commission and the Higher Education Subcommittee. I am a member of the following legislative committees: Tourism, Small Business Development, Environment and Forestry, and the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions.
My staff and I remain dedicated to helping and serving the greater Northwoods. I am hopeful that you will use my office as a resource. Feel free to contact me or my staff on any issue regarding state government or assistance with state agencies and departments.

District Dialogue & Recent News
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Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings in the Northwoods and in Madison.
Questions About State Law or a State Agency?
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Click the button below to send me a message with your questions or comments.

Thank you for helping me with my licensing issue. Without you, I could have been forced to give up the teaching license that I have held since 1976. You are a godsend!