Audits in Progress

The audits currently in progress are listed below. Information about the audit scope or the relevant statutory citation is available for each audit. To request notification of the release of a specific Bureau report, email us at Please indicate the audit of interest.

Performance Evaluations
 Title / Description Expected Release
Unemployment Insurance Fraud and Investigation Activities (Scope)
An evaluation of the fraud and investigation activities employed by the Department of Workforce Development for the Unemployment Insurance Program.

Summer 2024
State of Wisconsin Investment Board (Citation)
An evaluation of the State of Wisconsin Investment Board’s management and investment performance.

Fall 2024
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities (Scope)
An evaluation of diversity, equity, and inclusion activities in the executive branch, including in the University of Wisconsin System.

Winter 2025


Financial Audits
 Title / Description Expected Release
City of Milwaukee Employes’ Retirement System (Citation)
An audit of the CY2023 financial statements of the Employes’ Retirement System of the City of Milwaukee.

Summer 2024
Wisconsin Lottery (Citation)
An audit of the Wisconsin Lottery Fund financial statements for FY 2022-23.

Summer 2024
State Retiree Health Insurance Program (Citation)
An audit of the employer schedules and related notes of the program as of and for the year ended June 30, 2023.

Summer 2024
State of Wisconsin Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (Citation)
An audit of the Department of Employee Trust Funds' financial statements for 2023.

Fall 2024
Employee Trust Funds (Citation)
An audit of the State of Wisconsin’s financial statements for fiscal year 2023-24.

Fall 2024
State of Wisconsin Single Audit (Citation)

A federal compliance audit of the State of Wisconsin for fiscal year 2023-24.

Spring 2025