Misdemeanors in the 2021–22 Wisconsin Statutes
A list of all misdemeanors in the 2021–22 Wisconsin Statutes, including the maximum penalties that may be applied for committing each misdemeanor.
09 Jan 2023
Wisconsin State Officers, January 2023
A list of the elected officials serving Wisconsin in 2023, including state representatives and senators, members of Congress, and state officials.
05 Jan 2023
LRB Survey of Significant Wisconsin Court Decisions, July 2020–July 2022
A survey by Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau attorneys on the critical Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals decisions (July 2020–July 2022) relating to election law and the governor’s emergency powers.
04 Jan 2023
Special Sessions of the Wisconsin Legislature 2023
A summary of how special sessions are convened and conducted in Wisconsin and a discussion of trends in special sessions over time.
03 Jan 2023
The Veto Override Process in Wisconsin 2023
A summary of the Wisconsin Legislature’s power to override executive vetoes, the veto override process, and the history of veto overrides.
02 Jan 2023