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Room Reservation Application

Please complete this application. Your application must be approved pursuant to the rules and policies of the Senate. The application, if approved, is not a contract or lease for the provision of space within the State Capitol. Your reservation may be cancelled by the Senate at any time for any reason. Your reservation will not be confirmed until you have provided the required deposit in the the form of a check payable to the State of Wisconsin. The application and deposit must be sent to:

Senate Sergeant-at-Arms;
P.O. Box 7882,
Madison, WI 53707-7882.

Applicant Information:

Organization Using the Facility (If Any)

Date and Time Requested

Sponsoring Senator

Use and Location

By submitting this application I understand and agree to obey the following regulations

• The room is reserved only for the date and hours requested. • No monetary contributions may be solicited or collected on state property. • There can be no open flames. • No red beverages are allowed as it can stain the marble. • No alcohol beverages are allowed. • No signs may be hung without approval of the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms office. • Furniture cannot be moved unless done by the Senate Sergeant-at-Arms office. • No amplifiers are allowed. Instruments that are brought in must be able to be carried by hand and be acoustic. • The requester is liable for any damage that occurs during the reserved time, the Seante may seek payment for any damages incurred. • Proof of insurance may be requested. • The building hours are set by Capitol Police and must be followed. • The Senate may cancel any reservation without prior notification for any reason. • The Senate is not responsible for any theft of or damage to any item brought in by an individual using a Senate room. • The Department of Administration also enforces administrative rules relating to use of the Capitol. See Chapter Adm. 2 of the Wisconsin Administration Code.

Fees and Refundable Deposit - Please Read!

Upon submission of this application please send a check in the amount of $500, payable to the State of Wisconsin, to:

Senate Sergeant-at-Arms,
PO Box 7882,
Madison, WI 53707-7882.

This $500 represents a refundable deposit for the use of Senate Facilities. The deposit indemnifies the State of
Wisconsin against facility damage and unusual cleanup/maintenance costs. Your deposit will be returned shortly after your event, unless there is
facility damage or unusual cleanup/maintenance costs, in which case the deposit will be liquidated and paid into the State Treasury. If there is facility
damage or unusual cleanup/maintenance costs, you will be notified before your deposit is liquidated.

A fee of $50/hour will be assessed to non-governmental entities and individuals for reservation and use of the Senate Chamber, Senate Parlor, and
meeting spaces for non-legislative events on weekends. A minimum of three hours will be assessed.