2024 Legislative Survey

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Wisconsin’s Tax Burden

Vetoed Tax Relief

With a state surplus of more than $3 billion, and a Rainy Day fund of $1.8 Billion, Legislative Republicans recently passed four tax cuts to return a portion of the surplus to taxpayers. While a credit to save parents an average of $656 on childcare costs was signed into law, tax cuts for retirees, the middle class, and married couples were vetoed.

Legislative Priorities

PFAS Pollution / Forever Chemicals

My PFAS relief bill (Senate Bill 312) creates new programs and a comprehensive plan to get relief to communities dealing with PFAS contamination. It also provides new liability protections to victims of PFAS pollution so they can feel confident testing and beginning cleanup. Governor Evers recently vetoed the bill citing the provision that would limit DNR’s ability to force these victims to pay for clean-up costs of pollution they didn’t cause.

On Your Ballot: Who Should Control Federal Tax Dollars

In recent years, the state has received billions of dollars in COVID relief funds, and still has $1.5 billion left. Though Wisconsin’s Constitution requires spending be approved by the legislature, these dollars are under the sole control of the governor and can be spent without checks and balances. The legislature recently approved a constitutional amendment that will appear on your August ballot that would ensure that all state spending is subject to legislative approval.

Rate Your Local Officials

Scale of 1 (unfavorable) to 5 (very favorable), N/A if Not Applicable