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Democrats protect Wisconsin from GOP recklessness

July 5, 2023
Contact: Jalen Knuteson

MADISON — Today, Gov. Evers protected the state of Wisconsin from a Republican-induced future fiscal disaster with the use of his line-item veto.

Sen. Kelda Roys, a member of the Joint Committee on Finance, issued the following statement:

“Our public schools and children will be better off because of today’s line-item vetoes by the Governor, but our state will still suffer because of the GOP’s irresponsible budget. 

“Republicans chose culture wars over the needs of children and working parents. They chose a tax giveaway for the richest that would have blown a hole in all of our future budgets. The Governor’s veto of reckless Republican tax cuts for the rich prevents Wisconsin from descending into a perilous fiscal position like Kansas, which defaulted on loans after following a similar reckless tax scheme favoring the wealthy.

“Our state had an historic opportunity with a $7 billion surplus and a clear need to invest in our people and public institutions so we can grow. Republicans tried to give it all away to the wealthiest among us. Democrats will continue to prioritize investments in Wisconsin’s workforce, children, and public services to make our state more attractive for the next generation to work, live, and thrive.”

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