Sen. Roys condemns Republican priorities resulting in UW-Oshkosh cuts
August 3, 2023
Contact: Jalen Knuteson

MADISON — Today, UW-Oshkosh indicated it would have to lay off or furlough 200 non-faculty staff members on campus due to Republicans cutting $32 million from the state budget. In response, Sen. Roys issued the following statement:
“The UW System is Wisconsin’s economic engine and our best tool for attracting and retaining the next generation of workers. Republicans chose to cut $32 million from the UW System’s budget — despite our $7 billion surplus. They got what they wanted: staff losing their jobs, and our public university system once again suffering under GOP attacks. The UW System needs to be fully funded and should never have been put in this position.
“Every chance they get, Republicans choose tax giveaways for the ultra-wealthy instead of investing in core public institutions, our workforce, and our economy. Our campuses need public investment, but Republican politicians continue their war on higher education with yet another round of devastating cuts.
“Change is on the horizon — Wisconsinites want our UW System to thrive, because we know it is the key to making Wisconsin a place people want to work, live, and learn.”
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