Capitol Update

by Senator Howard Marklein

May 31, 2024


Celebrate Dairy Month with Breakfast in a Barn

This is your open invitation to eat ice cream for breakfast in a barn.  Will you join me?
June is Dairy Month and all over Wisconsin, farm families are welcoming visitors to their farms for breakfast. I am volunteering at five Dairy Breakfasts over the next several weeks.  On May 25, 2024, I was honored to serve breakfast at the Nimtz farm in Monticello for the Green County Breakfast on the Farm. I am planning to be at all of the following breakfasts and I invite you to join us!

  • Crawford County Dairy Breakfast – June 1, 2024, 6-10 a.m. at the Crawford County Fairgrounds, 17725 State Highway 131, Gays Mills.
  • Iowa County Dairy Breakfast – June 1, 2024, 6:30-10:30 a.m. at Level Acres Dairy Farm, 91 Clyde Street, Avoca.
  • Dane County Breakfast on the Farm – June 8, 2024, 7-11:30 a.m. at Blue Star Dairy Farms, 7502 Patton Road, DeForest.
  • Grant County Dairy Breakfast – June 9, 2024, 7-11:30 a.m. at Stone-Front Farm, 5027 State Highway 81, Lancaster.

There are breakfasts planned in nearly every county in Wisconsin.  For a full list, please visit www.wisconsindairy.org.
Dairy breakfasts are a great way to see a real, working farm in action.  Beyond the delicious eggs, sausage, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and more, the host farm and local ag community provides opportunities to learn about farming. They showcase their animals, unique barn designs and the places their animals live. They will teach you about milking equipment, tractors, implements and much, much more.
Even though I grew up living and working on our family’s dairy farm, I always learn new things at our dairy breakfasts.  I learn about new technology that was not part of my farming experience growing up. I see the massive equipment our farmers use to care for animals and farm the land. I even get to see the cutest calves in the country.
I meet farm families from all sorts of backgrounds. I talk with 4H kids who raise and show animals. I catch-up with long-time farmers who update me on their new equipment and share their ideas for legislative action that could make a difference in their community. I chat with visitors from the city who make time to enjoy the breakfast and learn about their neighbors. Dairy breakfasts are an awesome showcase of talent, innovation, hospitality and community spirit.
The dairy industry continues to be one of the largest economic sectors in many of our communities.  It contributes $45.6 billion to our economy and provides 157,000 jobs. Wisconsin’s dairy industry always sets the standard for milk and cheese across the country. A quarter of all cheese in the United States is produced right here in Wisconsin.
Our farmers find innovative ways to craft products, take care of animals and steward our natural resources. I would argue that farmers are the original conservationists. They work hard to take care of the land and water that feeds their animals and grows their crops. They are always looking for ways to be more efficient and effective in their use of the land.
Our farmers and processors are the backbone of many of our communities. They lead our municipalities, volunteer for local organizations, respond to emergency calls, coach our kids and worship in our churches. Our ag community is an essential part of our state and they are inviting you to breakfast this month. I hope you will join us.

As always, if you need assistance with any state-related matters, please call our team at the State Capitol – 608-266-0703 – or email me – Sen.Marklein@legis.wisconsin.gov. My team is ready, and willing, to help navigate your state government, clear obstacles and receive your input.