Marklein's Ag Roads Improvement Bill Signed Into Law

Madison, WI – Sen. Howard Marklein applauded the Governor’s signature on Act 13 to make his Ag Roads Improvement Program (ARIP) law today.
“I am thrilled that ARIP has become law,” Sen. Marklein said. “Rep. Travis Tranel and I worked with dozens of ag-stakeholders to create a road program that is targeted to the first-mile roads and bridges that farmers use every day. These are the small, Class B and weight-restricted roads that connect our farms to county and state highways.”
“This is a wise investment of the one-time funds in our state surplus. The JFC has allocated $150 million for this legislation. The Governor’s signature on this law assures us that he will not veto it out of the state budget,” Marklein said. “Act 13 will make a major difference in our small towns and for farmers throughout the state. That is why this bill is widely supported by the entire ag-industry.”
Class B roads are the rural, country roads on which many farms are located.  Farmers, and their suppliers, must navigate these roads to move goods to and from the farm. Unfortunately, for most towns, these are low-traffic, low-priority roads, but they are very important to the farmers who live and work on them. The goal of the program is to repair these roads and small bridges so that they will no longer be weight-restricted.