Request a Citation

The legislature issues formal citations to commend people and organizations that have achieved remarkable personal or professional accomplishments or milestones, or that have distinguished themselves through outstanding service to their state or community. Citations are often given for milestone anniversaries of small businesses or nonprofits, for retirements of local community leaders, to commend a winning team, to those achieving the rank of Eagle Scout or earning a Gold Award, and more.
To request a citation for someone you know, please fill out the below form and include the requested information.
- The name of the person or organization receiving the citation
- The person requesting the citation and their phone number and email address
- A short description of why this person or organization is deserving of a citation. Please list:
- Any community or volunteer groups the person has participated in, if applicable
- Any other applicable professional, educational, athletic, or artistic achievements
- Any public offices held
- If an organization, a brief history of the organization
- As applicable, include the date of the milestone, and information and the date of any events at which you would like the citation awarded. Whenever possible, please submit your request at least two weeks in advance of the date you need the citation.