Madison – State Representative John Jagler (R-Watertown) voted today in favor of Assembly
Bill 82, which will help our state prosecute individuals who commit fraud by trafficking
FoodShare benefits. FoodShare is Wisconsin’s food stamp program, which provides benefits to
eligible individuals to help them purchase food. Assembly Bill 82 brings the state up to speed
with recently-enacted federal rules that make it a crime to buy, sell, steal, or exchange FoodShare
benefits for cash, goods, or other considerations.
“Millions of taxpayer dollars have been misused over the last few years because of FoodShare
fraud. We need to put a stop to this. This bill will help ensure that tax dollars are being properly
used to assist those who need help most while curbing the number of fraud cases in our state,”
said Jagler. “This legislation will give District Attorneys the necessary tools to protect tax
dollars as they go after vendors who traffic FoodShare benefits.”
Assembly Bill 82 passed in the State Assembly on a 73-24 vote. It will now head to the
Wisconsin State Senate for approval.