61st Assembly District Update -  April 26, 2013;  Vol. 7, Edition 91


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Audit Committee Asks For Review of UW Surplus

You may have heard in the news this week about a surplus of money discovered at the University of Wisconsin System totaling almost $650 million. I was particularly upset to learn about this large stash of funds because the UW has continually asked for more state funding and has increased the cost of tuition for students 134% over the past 10 years, meanwhile stockpiling large balances of unrestricted cash. Through my role as co-chair of the Audit Committee, we have asked the Audit Bureau to look closely at this issue as it prepares its annual financial review of the UW System. I'm looking forward to the results, which will help inform the Legislature as we assess our relationship with the UW. Check out my website for more information.


Audit Committee Asks For Review of UW Surplus

You may have heard in the news this week about a surplus of money discovered at the University of Wisconsin System totaling almost $650 million. I was particularly upset to learn about this large stash of funds because the UW has continually asked for more state funding and has increased the cost of tuition for students 134% over the past 10 years, meanwhile stockpiling large balances of unrestricted cash. Through my role as co-chair of the Audit Committee, we have asked the Audit Bureau to look closely at this issue as it prepares its annual financial review of the UW System. I'm looking forward to the results, which will help inform the Legislature as we assess our relationship with the UW. Check out my website for more information.



Congratulations to JT Williams, New Eagle Scout

Last weekend, I attended the Court of Honor Ceremony for JT Williams, where he received the Eagle Scout Award. For his Eagle project, JT donated wireless microphones to Southport Elementary and built 30 storage cubbies at t Treehouse Learning Daycare Center. I was honored to help JT celebrate this wonderful occasion. Congratulations!

Hazardous Waste Collection Coming Up

Do you have unwanted hazardous waste products stored in your home?  You can safely dispose of these items on May 4th at the Kenosha County Center parking lot (19600 75th St, Bristol) between 8:00am and 1:00pm. Some examples of acceptable items are aerosol cans, gasoline, paint thinner, cleaning products, fertilizers, fluorescent bulbs and rat poison. These hazardous items need to be disposed of in a particular way and cannot go in with regular garbage. For more information, call Waste Management at 262-857-7956.

Thanks for Visiting!

Rep. Kerkman visits with students from Lance Middle School at the State Capitol

Child Tax Credit Fraud Video

You may have seen a popular video that is circulating again this spring.  It features an investigative report by a NBC affiliate in Indiana and mentions a “massive tax loophole that costs billions.”  At issue in the video is the federal refundable child tax credit for children who may be claimed as dependents.  Wisconsin does not have a similar tax credit.

Wisconsin’s Department of Revenue has fraud safeguards in place that help address fraud for tax credits such as Wisconsin’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).  The EITC requires Wisconsin residency and is based on dependent children.  Using this example, DOR’s Fraud Unit may conduct pre-refund reviews and request birth certificates and school records to prove eligibility.   Approximately $124 million was paid in Wisconsin’s EITC in fiscal year 2011.  Audit efforts by DOR resulted in over $12 million of adjustments or denials for the EITC in that same year. 


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