November 23, 2011

Thank you for reading my e-newsletter and

happy Thanksgiving!

Preliminary Deer Harvest Numbers Show Increase

I'm happy to report that Wisconsin deer hunting seems to be getting back on track.  This session, I authored a bill eliminating most uses of  Earn-a-Buck (EAB), a very unpopular policy with deer hunters.  According to early numbers released by DNR, the harvest has increased statewide, especially in our area.

DNR Executive Assistant Scott Gunderson commented on the changes to EAB and the hunt.  “As I listened to deer hunters over the opening weekend, there is a lot of excitement about the changes implemented this year; particularly the fact that hunters are no longer required to harvest an antlerless deer before harvesting their first buck in the CWD zone,” said Gunderson.  “As we all expected, this change is extremely popular amongst hunters which is important as the DNR wants the hunting public to ‘buy-in’ to our herd management structure.”

The 2011 preliminary count was up about 5.6 percent from the opening weekend count of 106,404 from 2010.  Preliminary buck harvest statewide in 2011 was 57,977 (54,263 in 2010) and preliminary antlerless harvest was 54,604 (52,141 in 2010).

The numbers from our neck of the woods have been very impressive.  In Langlade county, the harvest increased 90%, in Lincoln county the increase was 61%, and Oneida county saw an increase of 98%.  A break-down of the harvest by county can be found here

In light of these numbers, I'd like to know what you think of eliminating EAB.  Please contact my office with your thoughts.  I appreciate your feedback and thank in advance!

Game Warden Ride-Along

Last week local DNR warden, Rick Peters, asked if I wanted to spend a day riding with him during deer hunting season.  On Tuesday the 22nd I joined Warden Peters as he made his rounds in Lincoln County.

Getting out into the field to get a first hand look at how local wardens implement state policies and receiving their feedback is important to know for two main reasons:

1. we see if the laws are being implemented according to the legislature's intent.
2. we get first hand knowledge of whether we can improve existing rules and regulations.

Thanks to Warden Peters for allowing me to ride along with him Tuesday.  If anyone wishes to share their comments about hunting, fishing or trapping regulations, please contact my office.

Blue Books

The new Wisconsin Blue Books are now available from my office.  The Blue Book is a biannual almanac of all things related to the Wisconsin government, geography, and history, among other topics.   The book is published by Wisconsin's Legislative Reference Bureau.

The book was first published in 1853, and is now published every odd year.  An electronic version of previous Blue Books is available online here.

Please contact my office if you would like a new Blue Book.  We also have some of the Blue Books available from the last biennium if you are a collector.  I will be hand delivering a number of them over the coming months.  If you would like the book quicker, I would be happy to have one mailed to you.


I would like to take a moment to express how much I have to be thankful for this year.  From my wonderful family to my fantastic job representing the northwoods, I am clearly blessed.  I know many others are not as fortunate as I am.  If you would like to help, there are a number of food drives in our area.  For example, the UW extension in Oneida County is hosting this food drive through tonight.  If you aren't in time for this particular drive, our area pantries are always in need of supplies.


The UW recommends some of the following items: peanut butter, jelly or jam (flavors other than grape), canned fruit, tuna spaghetti sauce, cranberries, canned pumpkin.  Personal hygiene suggestions for donation are deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes & toothpaste, dish soap, Band-Aids, cleaning supplies.


Thank you for your help and my family wishes you all a happy Thanksgiving.


As always, if you have any comments or thoughts regarding the subject of this
E-Update, please feel free to contact me.

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State Capitol Room 208 North- PO Box 8953, Madison, WI 53708
(608) 266-7694