Edming Bill Eliminating Red Tape for County Veteran Service Offices Becomes Law Today, Senate Bill (SB) 416 authored by Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora) and Senator Patrick Testin (R-Stevens Point) was signed into law by Governor Evers as Act 203. This bipartisan legislation eliminates unnecessary red tape from the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs’ (WDVA)...
Rep. Edming Responds to Governor’s Vetoes of Tax Relief In response to Governor Evers’ vetoes of a majority of the Legislature’s most recent middle class tax relief package, Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora) released the following statement: “Once again, Governor Evers chose to keep YOUR taxpayer dollars in Madison with the use of his veto...
Assembly Approves Edming Bill to Provide Property Tax Relief for Disabled Veterans Today, the State Assembly approved Assembly Bill (AB) 102. This bipartisan legislation, authored by Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora), expands the eligibility for the veterans and surviving spouses property tax credit. “As I’ve worked on this legislation over the past several years I’ve...
Assembly Clears Bill Removing Barrier to Higher Education for Veterans Veterans and members of the U.S. armed forces will have greater access to Wisconsin’s public higher education institutions - and incentive to keep their skills in the state - under legislation waiving their application fees, which cleared the State Assembly today in a 96-2 vote. State Rep. James...
Rep. Edming Votes to Return YOUR Tax Dollars During Tuesday’s Assembly floor session, Representative James Edming (R-Glen Flora) joined his Assembly Republican colleagues in voting for a tax relief package that would return a portion of the state's surplus to the people of Wisconsin. The four proposals in this package would reduce the tax...