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Rep. Donovan Votes to Strengthen Wisconsin’s Workforce

Rep. Donovan Votes to Strengthen Wisconsin’s Workforce

Madison – Today, Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following the floor session in the Capitol. The Assembly passed a series of bills to increase Wisconsin’s workforce participation and bolster our local economies.

“Our state continues to struggle with lagging job participation – companies need workers desperately,” said Rep. Donovan. “Employers are offering high wages, benefits and signing bonuses and are still struggling to find workers.”

The bill package offers common sense reforms to our systems that encourage individuals to enter back into our workforce while providing proper accountability.

“We cannot afford to have workers sit on the sideline while our economy slows and stagnates,” said Rep. Donovan. “I also believe our assistance programs are essential to helping those down on their luck. These bills provide solutions so qualified individuals can still obtain assistance while promoting a robust workforce. We can do right by taxpayers and those in need by ensuring both our workforce and assistance programs are on solid ground.”