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Rep. Donovan Votes to Advance Public Safety and Amend the State Constitution

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave the following statement after voting to amend the Wisconsin State Constitution allowing courts to consider more relevant factors when setting bail. Rep. Donovan said:

“Today, I joined my colleagues in voting for this bipartisan constitutional amendment to protect our communities from preventable crime. In my many years as a Milwaukee County resident, I have never seen our public safety in such dire straits. Another record year of homicides for Milwaukee while 1 in 5 of all homicide suspects were already out on bail.

This is simply unsustainable. Violent crime and murder has become common place while straining our public services. Today is an essential first step to correcting our issues and ensuring the courts examine the totality of circumstances when setting bail. This amendment will be the change Wisconsin needs to ensure the public is safe.”

This joint resolution will amend the Wisconsin Constitution by removing restrictions on bail considerations allowing judges to deliberate:

  • Safety of the community
  • Seriousness of the offense
  • Previous criminal record

This constitutional amendment passed through the Legislature in two consecutive sessions and will be proposed to the voters as a referendum in the April election.