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Rep. Donovan Votes for Historic Non-Partisan Redistricting Legislation

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following the passage of AB 415 which creates a non-partisan redistricting process for legislative maps. Rep. Donovan said:

“As an Alderman, I ran in non-partisan elections for years. I believe it allowed the best ideas to rise to the top when we disregarded partisanship,” said Rep.Donovan. “Although I am new to the Assembly, the history of bickering and partisan games has left constituents wondering if we can do better. Today I believe we made a step toward a better Wisconsin.”

“I have heard from countless constituents how they just want government to work for them. They want tangible results that improve the lives of Wisconsinites. This proposal is the solution to avoid the decades long, taxpayer funded legal battles regarding redistricting. Constituents can now trust that redistricting will be handled by non-partisan officials. Less time arguing and more time delivering for constituents – the way it should be.”