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Rep. Donovan - Two Mass Shootings in Milwaukee. Where is the Plan?

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following news of another violent weekend in Milwaukee. The nonstop violence resulted in four people losing their lives and another 23 injured. Rep. Donovan said:

“Two mass shootings over the weekend left a path of death and destruction in Milwaukee. Where is the plan from the city and Mayor Johnson? I cannot believe how public safety in Milwaukee has deteriorated in the last three years. Mayor Johnson owes the citizens a strategy to turn this chaos around. After all, he promised he would when he was elected to the city’s highest office.”

“I applaud Mayor Johnson’s recent efforts in securing Milwaukee’s fiscal future by working with the Legislature – now it is time to deliver on public safety,” said Rep. Donovan. “The beleaguered citizens of Milwaukee and the surrounding area deserve that. I am a member of the Assembly who represents a portion of Milwaukee residents and I stand committed to working with Milwaukee to address this chaos.”

“However, residents need a plan that offers more than the same empty words or relying on the Office of Violence Prevention,” said Rep. Donovan. “Residents have endured an onslaught of violence and they deserve action from their leaders.”