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Rep. Donovan Requests Audit of Milwaukee Public School District

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) sent a letter today to Joint Legislative Audit Committee Co-Chairs Representative Wittke and Senator Wimberger requesting a formal audit of the Milwaukee Public School District (MPS). On April 2nd, voters in Milwaukee will be asked to increase revenue limits to generate $252 million in funding over the next four years. This comes after voters already approved a 2020 referendum of $87 million and MPS received $772 million in federal emergency funds for the COVID-19 response. Rep. Donovan said:

“Citizens deserve a clear vision and purpose from MPS for again coming to voters, with hat in hand, to raise their property taxes. Unfortunately, there has been none. Why is MPS coming to voters after receiving millions from the federal government and a previous referendum just four years ago? Is the district attempting to make any cost saving provisions before asking for more? Will our children’s education benefit directly as a result to the large increase in property taxes? People deserve to have answers and they clearly have not been provided. For these reasons, I am requesting a formal and thorough audit of the Milwaukee Public School District.”