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Rep. Donovan Reacts to the 2024 State of the State Address

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave the following statement after attending the 2024 State of the State Address as a member of the Legislature.

“There is much to be proud of this past year as Wisconsin had a successful year in a multitude of areas. I must agree with Governor Evers that Wisconsin is in the best financial position we have ever been in our long history. Thanks to years of fiscal responsibility by the Legislature, we have a historic surplus and therefore delivered historic investments for Wisconsinites.

Despite our situation, we can take another step in solidifying our state’s fiscal position. Today, my colleagues and I introduced tax cuts and credits for our retirees, families and the middle class. We should be using our surplus to invest not only in Wisconsin, but the citizens directly. Governor Evers has vetoed relief in the past and I hope that his declaration of 2024 as the Year of the Worker is an indication that he will put middle class workers first and sign this targeted tax cut.

Although we enter a new year, the priorities of last year are not suddenly unimportant. Governor Evers declared 2023 as the Year of Mental Health and I took that charge personally. I proposed Assembly Bill 573 which is bipartisan legislation that creates a pilot program for virtual crisis telehealth for law enforcement and the people they serve. Governor Evers can still make good on his promise of supporting mental health by signing this legislation when it comes before him.

Notably absent from the Governor’s message was any mention of the good work done regarding public safety or the future of this concern. This lack of recognition and vision for one of the state’s top issues is troubling considering the work left to do. It’s important that Wisconsinites understand that this dire situation is still being addressed by their elected leaders. I have made it my priority to do everything within my power to address public safety issues and I urge Governor Evers to not forget about the safety of Wisconsinites.

Wisconsin has a bright future. I believe that our democratic process has garnered accomplishments that our constituents can be proud of. In this next year, I look forward to compounding that progress and building upon the good work achieved in 2023.”