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Rep. Donovan Honors Greenfield Firefighters as First Responders of the Year

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following the Assembly honoring the First Responders of the Year for the 84th Assembly District – Greenfield Firefighters Jesse Sustachek and Danielle Blank. Firefighters Sustachek and Blank both
responded to a dangerous residential fire assisting victims and ultimately saving them from the fire. Rep. Donovan said:

“Greenfield is lucky to have two fine firefighters who serve their community with honor and distinction. It is because of their selfless and brave actions that those individuals are safe now. They are both extremely humble and merely preformed their duty when called – like so many other public safety professionals.”

Additionally, Assembly Bill 120 and Assembly Bill 394 were passed unanimously by a voice vote on the floor of the Assembly – both authored by Rep. Donovan. A previous Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission (WERC) decision recklessly stated that municipalities may not be required to provide employer contributions for public safety employees. AB 120 protects the status quo and clarifies the original legislative intent protecting public safety employees by ensuring they receive employer contributions for health care. AB 394 creates a driver’s education grant program for young adults on free or reduced price lunch.

“There is nothing better than passing common sense legislation that helps out the average Wisconsinite,” said Rep. Donovan. “This is another tangible result of government working on behalf of the people. Both bills received broad bipartisan support and show that true consensus can still be reached. I hope with the passing of these two bills, our public safety employees can continue to fulfill their duty while our young people learn the rules of the road. It is always a good day when common sense prevails.”