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Rep. Donovan Blasts Housing Authority Chaos

Madison – Representative Bob Donovan (R-Greenfield) gave a statement following the news regarding Milwaukee’s Housing Authority (HACM) reported mismanagement. Federal officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development have detailed weaknesses that HACM is “at risk for serious fraud, waste, and abuse.” Rep. Donovan said:

“I am utterly shocked and disgusted at the chaos brewing in Milwaukee's Housing Authority. The mayor has known about this for almost a year and we have heard nothing, but crickets. No plan or vision to address this chaos. Hines should step down.”

“His appointment was the product of politics. He was appointed to this position for one reason – he agreed not to run against former mayor Tom Barrett. Is this how government should work?”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported on this situation and said, "The mayor, through spokesperson Jeff Fleming, declined to be interviewed. Fleming said Hines speaks for the administration."

“What a load of garbage,” said Rep. Donovan. “This is unacceptable. Our leaders must lead, not hide behind bureaucrats. Provide the leadership the citizens are clamoring for. Who ultimately suffers here? The little guy once again. We all suffer when government fails to meet their responsibilities.”

“The common council must use their authority to provide additional oversight and transparency. Elected leaders are supposed to be a voice and watchdog for their constituents. I have no doubt most citizens would be appalled to hear about this dysfunction. Mayor Johnson, start leading.”