December 04, 2018
Facebook Video - Feds mum on bump stock ban memo obtained by KSTP
December 04, 2018
Protesters Rally Against Lame Duck Bills
December 04, 2018
Despite Protests, Republicans Approve Proposals to Limit New Gov’s Power
December 03, 2018
Back at it: As Walker era draws to a close, yet another round of Capitol protests
December 02, 2018
Wisconsin GOP Hopes to Pull Rug Out From Under New Governor, Rig Key Supreme Court Election in Lame Duck Session
October 01, 2018
In Wisconsin, Domestic Violence Lead To 62 Deaths In 2017
August 29, 2018
The Capital Times: "Big change" on way for southwest Madison as employment center breaks ground
July 23, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Rep. Lisa Subeck and Sen. Fred Risser : State abortion ban endangers women's health
July 08. 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Mitch Henck: Legal abortions could be on the line in Wisconsin
June 18, 2018
The Capital Times: Report highlights growing poverty under GOP leadership
June 18, 2018
The Daily Cardinal: Gerrymandering here to stay, for now, after SCOTUS decision
May 04, 2018
The Capital Times: Rep. Lisa Subeck, Rep. Jonathan Brostoff and Sen. LaTonya Johnson: Dems have plan to address long-term care crisis
May 06, 2018
UpFront with Mike Gousha: Food stamp changes will hurt families
May 03, 2018
Milwaukee Independent: A Generation of Wisconsin Children Could Go Hungry Under GOP Farm Bill
May 01, 2018
Associated Press: Wisconsin Democrats blast federal food stamps work proposal
May 01, 2018
The Capital Times: LFB analysis: Proposed federal changes could kick 23,000 Wisconsin children off of food stamps
May , 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Democrats: 23K children at risk of losing school lunch subsidy under House Farm Bill
April 10, 2018
The Daily Cardinal: ‘Dignity of work’ welfare reforms signed into law
April 04, 2018
The Daily Cardinal: Walker signs “Foster Forward” legislation as addiction crisis strains the system
March 18, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: State homeless advocates urge focus on prevention, housing, employment
March 15, 2018
Assembly's Vos to lead delegation to trade summit
March 14, 2018
Barron News-Shield: Bill would save municipalities money
March 08, 2018
Isthmus: State eyes deregulating taxis - A bill would allow cabs to operate more like Uber and eliminate local oversight
February 27, 2018
Badger Herald: Wisconsin Democrats introduce ‘Local Wage Act’ amid GOP efforts to streamline federal paid leave laws
February 26, 2018
The Daily Cardinal: Local leaders call on state and federal government for action on gun reform
February 22, 2018
Fox News: Gov. Scott Walker on overhauling Wisconsin's welfare system
February 22, 2018
WPR: Assembly Approves Restrictions On Local Control Of Labor, Taxi Companies
February 22, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: State Assembly passes bill to keep laws affecting Milwaukee from affecting Dane County
February 21, 2018
FOX 6 TV: Assembly OKs grants to pay for armed guards in Wisconsin schools, rejects universal background checks
February 21, 2018
Wisconsin Radio Network: Debate over gun control hits the Capitol
February 20, 2018
Badger Herald: Mandatory drug tests, increased work requirements do nothing to help welfare recipients
February 20, 2018
The Capital Times: Rep. Lisa Subeck: Republicans take aim at local communities — again
February 17, 2018
Badger Herald: Following three concurrent gun shop burglaries, state representative renews calls for mandating stricter security
February 15, 2018
The Capital Times: Wisconsin Assembly approves bill rolling back wetlands regulations for builders
February 15, 2018
Associated Press: The Wisconsin Assembly passes Walker's welfare overhaul bills
February 15, 2018 : Assembly approves GOP welfare overhaul package
February 15, 2018
The Capital Times: Wisconsin Assembly approves welfare overhaul bills
February 15, 2018
WPR: Assembly Approves Walker Welfare Package
February 15, 2018
Wisconsin Radio Network: Assembly approves special session welfare bills
February 15, 2018
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Assembly Republicans pass full slate of Gov. Scott Walker's welfare limits
February 14, 2018
WMTV 15 NBC: Gun shop security bill gets public support
February 08, 2018
The Progressive Magazine: The Republican War on Local Control
February 07, 2018
The Daily Cardinal: Rival bills hope to settle local wage issue
February 06, 2018
Channel 3000: Lawmakers introduce competing bills about family and medical leave law
February 06, 2018
Wisconsin Radio Network: GOP welfare reforms advance
February 06, 2018
Madison 365: Assembly Republicans Push Through Governor Walker’s $90 Million Plan to Put Work Requirements on Welfare
February 04, 2018
UpFront with Mike Gousha: Lawmakers debate changes to state welfare program
February 04, 2018
The Capital Times: Bills would make big changes to the state’s welfare system
February 02, 2018
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's proposed welfare limits could cost more than $90 million a year
February 02, 2018
Associated Press: Walker's welfare overhaul bills cost more than $90 million
February 01, 2018
The Capital Times: 6 state reps: Women left out and left behind by Scott Walker
January 31, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Lawmaker asks for gun shop bill hearing after Wednesday village of Oregon gun store burglary
January 31, 2018
Janesville Gazette: Second gunshop in Janesville area burglarized
January 30, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Madison leaders continue effort to convince WalMarch t to donate closed Sam's Club building
January 29, 2018
The Capital Times: Michael Johnson hoping to persuade WalMarch t to turn shuttered Madison store into a sports complex
January 29, 2018
Channel 3000: Boys & Girls Club asks WalMarch t to donate Sam's Club building
January 29, 2018
Madison 365: Boys and Girls Club Sees Shuttered Sam’s Club as a Potential Youth Sports Complex
January 23, 2018
Wisconsin Public Radio: Assembly Passes Massive Landlord-Tenant Bill
January 19, 2018
Wisconsin Gazette: Democrats urge Wisconsin AG to sue pharmaceutical companies over opioid deaths
January 09, 2018
Wisconsin Radio Network: Madison lawmakers want reversal on DMV service center decsion
January 09, 2018
Wisconsin State Journal: Madison-area lawmakers: Lack of transit access to new DMV location 'alarming'
December 05, 2017
WMTV 15 NBC: Wisconsin Democrats introduce bill to address health care worker shortage
December 06, 2017
Channel 3000: Certified nursing assistants would get increased pay under new legislation
November 11, 2017
Associated Press: Wisconsin bill could increase gun shop security after hours
November 07, 2017
Daily Nurse: Democrats Introduce CNA Pay Act to Address Nursing Aide Shortage
November 05, 2017
The Daily Cardinal: Nursing certification would become easier under a Republican bill
November 03, 2017
Deforest Times-Tribune: January et Mills: Overturn Citizens United
November 02, 2017 Bill to block state employees’ insurance plans from covering abortions clears Assembly
November 01, 2017
Badger Herald: Politicians express concern about proposed redaction of Madison’s sanctuary city status
November 01, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: State Senate sends homelessness bills to the governor
October 30, 2017
Badger Herald: Legislation revives debate on sanctuary cities
October 26,2017
The Capital Times: Democratic lawmakers ask Ray Cross to slow down UW mergers
October 26,2017
Wisconsin Gazette: Waukesha Republican blocks public hearing on Citizens United
October 25, 2017
Channel 3000: Bill would require businesses lock up firearms when unattended
October 25, 2017
WMTV NBC 15: Gun shop break-in leads to proposal on gun storage
October 25, 2017
Fox47: Bill would require businesses lock up firearms when unattended
October 25, 2017
Wisconsin Radio Network: Legislation would require tighter security at gun stores
October 25, 2017
The Capital Times: La Crosse and Halsted: Support bill ending shackling of inmates in childbirth
October 20, 2017
Channel 3000: Democratic bill hopes to end practice of shackling inmates during childbirth
October 19, 2017
The Capital Times: Jim Crist: Urge Legislature to give citizens say on money in politics
October 19, 2017
WEAU 13 NBC: NRA's insurance coverage for gun owners causes controversy
October 16, 2017
WPR: Democrat Seeks Price Transparency On Prescription Drugs
October 13, 2017
Beloit Daily News: Trio of bills unveiled to address drug prices
October 06, 2017
Channel 3000: State Democrats propose bill banning bump stocks
October 05, 2017
Fox47: Legislators announce bill banning firearm modifier possessed by Las Vegas shooter
September 20, 2017
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Madison monuments hit with anti-Semitic, anti-police graffiti
September 15, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Foxconn $3 billion subsidy bill heads to Scott Walker's desk after passing Legislature
September 14,2017
WUWM: State Assembly Gives Final Approval to Foxconn Bill
September 14, 2017
Badger Herald: Foxconn incentive package heads to Walker’s desk after passing in state Assembly
September 13, 2017
WPR: Wisconsin Assembly Passes $76B State Budget
September 13, 2017
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin lawmaker almost received railroad gate on his own road through budget
September 09, 2017
The Capital Times: 6 Assembly members: The opportunity cost of corporate welfare
September 7, 2017
Badger Herald: Dane County legislators address concerns of future health care in Wisconsin at town hall
August 17, 2017
BizTimes: Assembly passes Foxconn bill with three Dem votes
August 17, 2017
Associated Press: Wisconsin Assembly passes $3 billion for Foxconn
July 12, 2017
The Capital Times: Rep. Lisa Subeck and Sen. Dave Hansen: We need a statewide referendum on big money in politics
June 25, 2017
The Capital Times: John Nichols: Speech police seek to gag UW campuses
June 22, 2017
Minnesota Public Radio: Wisconsin Assembly passes free-speech-on-campus bill
June 21, 2017
Washington Post: Wisconsin assembly advances bill to suspend or expel students who disrupt campus speakers
June 21, 2017
WPR: Wisconsin Assembly Passes Campus Free Speech Bill
June 21, 2017
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Wisconsin Assembly passes campus free speech bill
June 08, 2017
Wisconsin Watchdog: Study finds Wisconsin poverty rate reached new low in 2015;
June 06, 2017
Kenosha News: State Dems December ry Ryan, GOP efforts to repeal Obamacare
June 05, 2017
Fox News: Wisconsin's push to drug test Medicaid recipients draws praise, critics
May 30, 2017
WORT: A Public Affair: Capitol Update
May 26, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Support referendum on dark money -- Kathleen Williams
May 12, 2017
WPT Here and Now: Subeck Explains How Proposed Bills Could Help The Homeless
May 10, 2017
WISN 12 ABC: Wisconsin lawmakers to vote on drug testing in more state-run programs
May 10, 2017
Associated Press: State Assembly OKs expanding drug screening for benefits
May 10, 2017
WPR: Assembly Approves Work Requirements For Some Housing Voucher Recipients
May 09, 2017
Channel 3000: Housing First strategy is best way to address homelessness
May 09, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Democratic lawmaker offers bills to combat homelessness
May 03, 2017
WUWM 89.7 FM: State Lawmakers Pass Measures Designed to Tackle Homelessness
May 03, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: State Assembly passes bills to combat homelessness
May 02, 2017 Assembly passes homelessness bills but Dems say larger investments needed
May 02, 2017
WMTV NBC: The state Assembly passes a package legislation Tuesday to fight homelessness
May 02, 2017
FOX 11: State Assembly addresses issue of homelessness
April 26, 2017
The Capital Times: Assembly committee advances bill to bar state health plans from covering abortions
April 24, 2017
State Democrats announce new gun safety coalition
April 24, 2017
WMTV NBC: New coalition aims to reduce gun violence across the state
April 21, 2017
WPR: Proposal Tying Housing Vouchers To Work Moves Forward
April 20, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: State Assembly committee passes package of GOP bills to address homelessness
April 20, 2017 Bill would bar state health plans from covering abortions, with some exceptions
April 19, 2017
The Capital Times: Wisconsin lawmakers clash over proposal to block state health plans from covering abortions
April 19, 2017
Wisconsin Radio Network: Wisconsin lawmakers revive ‘Move to Amend’
April 19, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Speakers support GOP homelessness bills at hearing
April 19, 2017
The Daily Cardinal: Assembly Committee considers bills to combat statewide homelessness
April 18, 2017
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Homeless advocates to Wisconsin lawmakers: 'We don't really even have a plan.'
April 17, 2017
Associated Press: SumMarch y of Walker's proposals to limit Medicaid released
April 13, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: State Democratic lawmakers cool to GOP proposals to address homelessness
April 12, 2017
Associated Press: Republican bills target homelessness in Wisconsin
April 12, 2017
WPR: Republican State Lawmakers Unveil Bills To Combat Homelessness
April 11, 2017
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: ’Deadbeat parents’ would lose food stamp benefits under Wisconsin GOP bill
April 07, 2017
The Lakeland Times: Assembly approves nine bills to fight drug abuse, addiction
April 05, 2017
The Capital Times: Opioid bills pass Wisconsin Assembly after tense partisan debate
March 16, 2017
Wisconsin Radio Network: Lawmakers propose allowing cities to ban guns on public buses
March 16, 2017
The Capital Times: Madison May or backs bill pushing municipal control over guns on buses
March 12, 2017
Sly's Podcast: Rep. Lisa Subeck: Another State Budget for the Wealthy
March 08, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Lawmakers consider effort to allow Dane County towns to opt out of county zoning without referendums
February 22, 2017
The Capital Times: Wisconsin lawmakers consider 'right-to-try' bill for experimental treatments
February 22, 2017
Associated Press: Bipartisan support for Wisconsin Bill helping terminally ill
February 22, 2017
Wisconsin State Journal: Bill would create charter school for teens recovering from substance abuse problems
February 21, 2017
The Badger Herald: Bill looks to limit abortion services for nearly 250,000 public sector employees
February 11, 2017
The Capital Times: Reps. Lisa Subeck and Melissa Sargent: GOP is only putting out fires it started
February 07, 2017
The Lakeland Times: It's back to the drawing board on redistricting
February 06, 2017
The Capital Times: Bill would block Wisconsin state employees' insurance plans from covering abortion
January 31, 2017
The Lakeland Times: Walker proposes major welfare reform
January 24, 2017 Thompson backs Walker's welfare plan, calls for bipartisan support
January 24, 2017
The Badger Herald: Walker brings ‘carrot and stick’ approach to welfare
January 24, 2017
The Capital Times: Scott Walker, Tommy Thompson unveil proposed welfare changes, Democrats blast plan
January 23, 2017
The Daily Cardinal: Walker proposes requiring welfare recipients to work 80 hours per month
January 22, 2017
Sly's Podcast: State Rep. Lisa Subeck, GOP’s Next Effort To Cut Wages