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79th Assembly District

The 79th Assembly District extends from Lake Mendota in the north to County Road PD (McKee Road) in the south and from the Beltline Highway to Franklin Avenue in the east. It encompasses parts of Madison's west, near-west, and southwest sides.

This district features a variety of residential neighborhoods and local businesses, offering numerous opportunities and activities for residents. It is home to many city parks, public schools, libraries, and community facilities. As of 2022, the district's population was approximately 60,000.

Notable past and present residents include former local leaders Sheriff Dave Mahoney, Dane County Executive Rick Phelps, and Mayor Paul Soglin. The late U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and Vice President Kamala Harris have also called this area of Madison home.


City of Madison Fire Station #2
421 Grand Canyon Drive
Madison, WI 53719

City of Madison Fire Station #9
201 North Midvale Boulevard
Madison, WI 53705

Madison Police - Midtown District
4020 Mineral Point Road
Madison, WI 53705

Madison Police - West District
55 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717

University Research Park
505 S. Rosa Road
Madison, WI 53719

Hill Farms State Office Building
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53719

State agencies located inside the
Hill Farms State Office Building:

Public Service Commission

Department of Employee Trust Funds

Department of Administration -
Division of Hearings & Appeals

Wisconsin Higher Educational Aids Board

Department of Financial Institutions

Department of Safety &
 Professional Services

Wisconsin Technical College System


Alicia Ashman Library
733 N High Point Road
Madison, WI 53717

Meadowridge Library
5726 Raymond Road
Madison, WI 53711


Sequoya Library
4340 Tokay Boulevard
Madison, WI 53711

Elver Park
Neighborhood Center

1201 McKenna Boulevard
Madison, WI 537199

Lussier Community
Education Center

55 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717


Meadowood Neighborhood
Center (MSCR)

5734 Raymond Road
Madison, WI 53711

NewBridge West
Senior Center

5724 Raymond Road
Madison, WI 53711

Theresa Terrace
Neighborhood Center

1409 Theresa Terrace
Madison, WI 53711


West Madison
Senior Center

602 Sawyer Terrace
Madison, WI 53705


Urban League - Southwest Madison Employment Center
1233 McKenna Boulevard
Madison, WI 53719



Bordner Park
5610 Elder Place
Madison, WI 53705

Lucia Crest Park
514 N. Owen Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Rennebohm Park
115 N. Eau Claire Avenue
Madison, WI 53705

Britta Park
4300 Britta Parkway
Madison WI 53711

Lucy Lincoln
Hiestand Park

1506 Prairie Road
Madison, WI 53711

Reservoir Park
126 Glenway Street
Madison, WI 53705

De Volis Park
4300 De Volis Parkway
Madison, WI 53711


Maple Prairie Park
3117 Prairie Road
Madison, WI 53719

Robin Greenway
4613 Gregg Road
Madison, WI 53717

Elver Park
1250 McKenna Boulevard
Madison, WI 53719


Marlborough Park
2222 Whenona Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Sauk Creek Park
402 N. High Point Road
Madison, WI 53717

Everglade Park
406 Everglade Drive
Madison, WI 53717


Marshall Park
2101 Allen Boulevard
Middleton, WI 53562

Segoe Park
502 S. Segoe Road
Madison, WI 53711

Garner Park
333 S. Rosa Road
Madison, WI 53705


Meadowood Park
5800 Thrush Lane
Madison, WI 53711

Sherwood Forest Park
1038 Friar Lane
Madison, WI 53711

Glen Oak Hills Park
301 Glen Highway
Madison, WI 53705


Merrill Springs Park
5102 Spring Court
Madison, WI 53705

Skyview Park
1419 E. Skyline Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Glenwood Children's Park
602 Glenway Street
Madison, WI 53711


Mineral Point Park
126 S. Yellowstone Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Slater (William) Park
561 S. Segoe Road
Madison, WI 53711

Greentree -
Chapel Hills Park

6649 Schroeder Road
Madison, WI 53711


Nautilus Point Park
321 Nautilus Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Spring Harbor Beach Park
1918 Norman Way
Madison, WI 53705

Haen Family Park
7702 Tree Lane
Madison, WI 53717


Norman Clayton Park
6401 Shoreham Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Stricker's Pond
7214 Longmeadow Road
Madison, WI 53717

Hammersley Park
6114 Hammersley Road
Madison, WI 53711


Oak Park Heights Park
641 Hilltop Drive
Madison, WI 53711

Sunridge Park
5901 Piping Rock Road
Madison, WI 53711

Hampton Court Park
413 Park Way
Madison, WI 53705

Odanna Hills
Golf Course

4635 Odana Road
Madison, WI 53711


Sunset Park
300 E. Sunset Court
Madison, WI 53705

High Point Park
7499 Watts Road
Madison, WI 53719

Old Middleton
Road Park

639 Bordner Drive
Madison, WI 53705


Tillotson Park
4099 Tokay Boulevard
Madison, WI 53711

Highlands East
6011 N. Highlands Avenue
Madison, WI 53705

Orchard Ridge Park
5214 Whitcomb Drive
Madison, WI 53711


Walnut Grove Park
202 N. Westfield Road
Madison, WI 53717

Highlands West
1059 Willow Lane
Madison, WI 53705

Orchard Ridge
Valley Park

961 Gilbert Road
Madison, WI 53711


Waltham Park
2617 Waltham Road
Madison, WI 53711

Hoyt Park
3902 Regent Street
Madison, WI 53705

Owen Conservation Park
6021 Old Sauk Road
Madison, WI 53705


Western Hills Park
2401 S. Whitney Way
Madison, WI 53719

Huegel Park
5902 Williamsburg Way
Madison, WI 53719

Pilgrim Park
2034 Westbrook Lane
Madison, WI 53711


Westmorland Park
4114 Tokay Boulevard
Madison, WI 53711

Indian Hills Park
5001 Flambeau Road
Madison, WI 53705

Quarry Park
3102 Stevens Street
Madison, WI 53705


Wexford Park
1201 N. Westfield Road
Madison, WI 53717

Kettle Pond
Conservation Park

5805 Old Middleton Road
Madison, WI 53705

Homestead Park

6909 Chelsea Street
Madison, WI 53719

Hills Park

834 Pebble Beach Drive
Madison, WI 53717

Vel Phillips Memorial
High School

201 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53717

Ezekiel Gillespie
Middle School

101 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53705

Velma Hamilton
Middle School

4801 Waukesha Street
Madison, WI 53705

Spring Harbor
Middle School

1110 Spring Harbor Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Akira R. Toki
Middle School

5606 Russett Road
Madison, WI 53711

Milele Chikasa Anana
Elementary School

6323 Woodington Way
Madison, WI 53711

Elementary School

5930 Old Sauk Road
Madison, WI 53705

John Muir
Elementary School

6602 Inner Drive
Madison, WI 53705

Orchard Ridge
Elementary School

5602 Russett Road
Madison, WI 53711

Glenn Stephens
Elementary School

101 S Gammon Road
Madison, WI 53705

Van Hise
Elementary School

246 S Segoe Road
Madison, WI 53705


of Public

Madison Metropolitan
School District

545 W Dayton Street
Madison, WI 53703

Middleton/Cross Plains
Area School District

7106 South Avenue
Middleton, WI 53562

Verona Area
School District

700 N Main Street
Verona, WI 53593