Rep. Subeck Praises Supreme Court Decision in Rahimi, Highlights Need to Close Domestic Abuser Gun Loophole in Wisconsin

MADISON – Today, Representative Lisa Subeck (D-Madison) applauded the US Supreme Court’s decision in United States vs. Rahimi upholding a federal law prohibiting the possession of firearms by individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders.

In Wisconsin, a loophole in state law allows some domestic abusers to keep their guns even after being convicted of a crime related to domestic violence. Rep. Subeck has introduced legislation to close this loophole, and ensure perpetrators are unable to access firearms.

Representative Subeck released the following statement:

“While I applaud the court’s decision in Rahimi protecting the ability of the federal government to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers with a restraining order, a loophole in Wisconsin state law still allows perpetrators convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes to keep their guns,” said Rep. Subeck. “A victim of domestic violence is five times more likely to be killed if her abuser has access to a gun. We must take swift action to close the domestic violence loophole, keeping our families and communities safe by getting guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals with a history of violent behavior.”

Rep. Subeck has represented the 78th Assembly District since 2015 and serves as Chair of the Assembly Democratic Caucus. 
