On Second Anniversary of Dobbs Decision, Action Needed to Protect Abortion Access in Wisconsin

MADISON – Today marks two years since the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health, which overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade decision guaranteeing the right to legal abortion nationwide. For one full year after the Dobbs decision, abortion services ceased in Wisconsin, resuming only after a court ruled a ban passed in 1849 and still in state law could not be used to prosecute abortion providers. The decision in that case has been appealed, leaving the future of abortion in Wisconsin uncertain.

“While access to abortion has been restored, our freedom to make our own reproductive health decisions remains in jeopardy,” said Rep. Subeck. “Republican extremists in the Wisconsin legislature have stepped up their attacks, introducing new abortion bans and restrictions. We need action at the state and federal levels to protect the right to make our own health care decisions without interference from politicians.”

In Wisconsin, Rep. Subeck and Democrats have introduced Restore Roe legislation to repeal Wisconsin’s 1849 ban, the Right to Contraception Act to protect access to birth control, and other measures to protect reproductive freedom. At the federal level, Senator Tammy Baldwin and her Democratic colleagues in Congress have introduced the Women’s Health Protection Act to restore and protect the right to comprehensive reproductive health care, as well as a federal Right to Contraception law.

“It matters who is in power, and that becomes clearer with every new Republican attempt to ban abortion care or contraception,” said Rep. Subeck. “While Democrats in Wisconsin and around the country work to pass bills that protect and expand our reproductive freedom, Republican extremists continue their assault on those same freedoms despite overwhelming opposition from those they represent.”

Rep. Subeck has represented the 78th Assembly District since 2015 and serves as Chair of the Assembly Democratic Caucus.
