
Rep. Stubbs attending the NOBEL Women Equity and Social Justice Policy Summit in Selma, AL
Rep. Stubbs' Current Memberships
- National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women (NOBEL Women)
- National Black Caucus of State Legislators (NBCSL)
- Madison Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
- NAACP Dane County Branch
Rep. Stubbs' Past Memberships
Representative Stubbs is a former member of the following organizations:
- Democratic Party of Wisconsin
- Black Caucus Chair
- National Association of Counties*
- Justice and Public Safety Steering Committee
- Law Enforcement Committee, Vice Chair
- Wisconsin Counties Association
- Board of Directors Chair
- Vice Chair of the Judicial and Public Safety Steering Committee
*Representative Stubbs is the first African-American woman to serve as a steering committee chair at the Wisconsin Counties Association.
- NAACP Madison Branch
- First Vice President
- Wisconsin NAACP Conference of Branches
- Third Vice President
- Madison Youth Council of the NAACP
- Chartering Member
- Youth Advisor