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Request Help with a State Agency

Navigating the many state agencies and government contacts can be overwhelming without proper guidance. Don't hesitate to contact my office if you have general questions about a specific state program. My staff and I are here to assist you. You can also visit our directory for a list of state agencies and their services.
If you need help with a state agency, such as an unprocessed Unemployment Insurance (U/I) claim, a licensing issue with the Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS), or any other matter relating to state government agencies, please click the link below to complete a "State Agency Help Form." After you submit the form, my office will contact you shortly with additional information.

State Agency Contact Assistance (Rep. Tucker)
Street, City, State, ZIP
Are you contacting Duke for help with Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claim?
*Only Fill this text box if you answered “YES” to the previous question. This information will only be shared with DWD on your application process.
Include and relevant background information, overall problems, and points of contact with DSPS, etc.