Wisconsin Remains “America’s Dairyland”

By Katrina Shankland, Press Release 

MADISON – Rep. Katrina Shankland (D-Stevens Point) released the following statement today in response to suggestions from an outside lobbying group that “America’s Dairyland” be removed from Wisconsin’s license plates:

“Our state has a rich agricultural heritage and a $43.4 billion dairy industry. We literally wear foam cheese wedges on our heads when we cheer for the Green Bay Packers. As a state, we are proud of our identity as America’s Dairyland, and that includes our beloved license plate slogan.

“Wisconsin’s reputation as a dairy state is a point of pride. Do we really want to cede this distinction to California? A strong majority of my constituents who have weighed in so far say no, including one unanimous vote of at least 60 people on a farm in Portage County. Wisconsin is and always will be America’s Dairyland.”