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Governor Evers has lost Touch with Working Wisconsinites

Executive Budget Reaction

Madison – “Wisconsin’s strong fiscal position is the result of responsible Republican budgeting despite threats of fiscal uncertainty” Rep. Nedweski said. “Irresponsible spending led by the Biden Administration has driven inflation to a forty-year high, but the man in the ivory tower in Madison does not appear to have learned from Washington’s mistakes. Governor Evers’ liberal budget wish-list massively grows the size of government and rubs salt in the wounds of working people and businesses who have already been harmed by the effects of reckless federal spending.”

“Our state faces many real challenges, but the proposals in the governor’s budget are out of touch with reality. We absolutely need careful investment in priorities like K-12 education, public safety, and bolstering our workforce, and we have a unique opportunity to use the budget surplus to also help provide some relief from inflation. However, Governor Evers’ plan does the opposite by adding new ongoing spending at unsustainable levels. It expands welfare programs and increases the tax burden on Wisconsinites.”

“Costs are up for everyone, and we have an obligation to respond to inflationary pressure on our local governments and schools to keep our communities safe and to educate the next generation of the workforce. Simply throwing money at problems as if it will solve them, is an approach we have seen fail repeatedly at the expense of hard-working people. In the coming weeks, the Legislature will be asking individuals throughout Wisconsin how they want funding prioritized in the next state budget. I look forward to working with my constituents and colleagues on a plan that reflects the needs and values of all Wisconsinites, not just some, while remaining responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars.”

Rep. Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) Serves as the Vice Chair of Colleges and Universities and serves on the Assembly Committees on Education, Workforce Development and Economic Opportunities, and Family Law.