Buzzing legislation that aims to protect and foster growth for our pollinating friends!
Pollinator Protection Package
The Pollinator Protection Package is seven pieces of legislation aimed at protecting and encouraging the health of our pollinators, from the endangered Rusty Patched Bumble Bees to butterflies, bats, birds & beetles.
We know that WI pollinators have been in jeopardy for more than a decade. A combination of habitat decline, pesticide use, disease and climate change have formed a perfect storm resulting in a steady decline in pollinator health. While steps have been taken at the WI DNR and other state agencies to advance pollinator friendly practices, WI is one of just 19 states whose legislature have not passed laws to increase pollinator health. This is especially surprising considering data shows without pollinators WI would lose ¾ of their crops, apple growers would lose 80% and cherry producers-60%."- Rep. Lee Snodgrass