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Welcome to my website!

Thank you for visiting my website!

It has been a great honor and privilege to represent my friends and neighbors in Wisconsin's 21st Assembly District. This website will provide you with the tools to contact me with any concerns or comments you may have so I can remain responsive to your needs and be your voice in Madison. 

Maintaining an open line of communication with my constituents is crucial to my work in the Capitol. Hopefully you will utilize this website as a resource to find information about the district and share your thoughts with me. On this website, you will learn more about me and find information on my committee assignments and legislation I have co-authored and sponsored. There is also an opportunity to sign up for my E-Update so we can stay connected.

My staff and I are always available to assist you, so please feel free to contact my office at any time.

Thank you for the opportunity to serve you!

District Map

Assembly District 21

Legislative Update

Sign up for my legislative e-update!

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